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Welcome to Midlife to Millions
Some of the opportunities to seed growth for retirement come in co-ownership. This provides both a solid return and also tax benefits, leaving more capital in your control, and away from the IRS. You can turn this around and re-invest into more cash-flowing assets to snowball your investments more quickly.
Welcome, one and all!
Thank you to each and everyone of you for joining the community. It’s a working progress, and in the coming week we will have an overview of the platform in a bit more detail, and a breakdown of the areas in which we will be exploring our current financial status and health, any retirement products and planning that we may have in place and what may the auctions for us. We will also be talking about being more aware of the tax code, not reading the text laws, but being more aware of how they can help us maintain more of the income we receive , through benefits and tax laws which encourage certain of investment, placing your money more wisely and reaping bigger rewards for using the tax code in its entirety instead of just the bit that says consumers need to pay tax Please message me or reply to this thread with any areas that you feel you could benefit from knowledge, information and to grow with the community.
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Embrace the life you have and create the future life, retirement of abundance and free of stress
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